Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Migrant Thai Worker Killed by an Indiscriminately Fired Rocket from Gaza

"I condemn any kind of violence. We have got to find a peaceful solution to the issues and problems,"
Catherine Ashton during her visit to Gaza as the top diplomat from the EU. 

Thanks for being the voice of the EU Cathy. But we arent talking about "violence of any kind" today.

What a weak and insulting comment / condemnation from the EU's top diplomat in response to a blatant act of murderous terrorism targeting civilians... while she is actually present in the strip no less!

A proper response could have been: "If this is how you people are going to act then we are withdrawing all of our aid." But then maybe she is worried that the rockets might simply get pointed in Europe's direction instead. Then again, they are already pointed at Europe from one of Gaza's largest supporters today.... Iran.

The story in the Wall Street Journal:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ron Artest Looks For Some Defensive Help From Hebrew

I turned on the Lakers - Magic game the other night and could not believe my eyes... Ron Artest of the Los Angeles Lakers, decided it would bring him some extra defensive ability on the court if he had the word "defense" written on his head. He imprinted the word in three different languages: Hindi, Japanese, and Hebrew!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jewish Jamaican History Now a Tourist Attraction

This is a great article from the Wall Street Journal about Jewish heritage in Jamaica and the new efforts being made by the Jamaican tourist industry to preserve it.
Lets Go!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Dubai Police Mockery

For far too long we have been hearing about the "alleged" Israeli assassination of a top Hamas operative in Dubai. Why has the media carried on so long (over a month now) about the death of this Hamas operative? Why does the world seem to care so much?

The answer: because it "allegedly" involves Israel.

We have always seen this disproportionate amount of attention on Israel in the media but this time there is nothing even concrete to tie Israel to the story except that it involves an operative of Israel's vile enemy, Hamas. If the world media was so quick to point the finger at Israel for this murder without ANY evidence, then there must be a reason that Israel would want such an agent of Hamas dead. It turns out that this particular Hamas operative was the go-between of Hamas and Iran for smuggling weapons to the Gaza strip.

Now Dubai's response is to ban entry to ALL Israeli citizens (who before this were only allowed to enter using an alternate foreign passport, if they were dual citizens). To do this the police force in Dubai says that they will "seek to identify Israelis by physical features and the way they speak.'' said Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, chief of the Dubai Police Dept.

The Dubai police are making a mockery of themselves with this high profile response and should instead focus their efforts on the many high profile exiled terrorists (with similar resumes to the Hamas operative killed) residing peacefully in their emirate.

It is quite clear that it is not in the interests of the Dubai Police force to crack down on local Islamic militancy, but rather to point the finger ignorantly at Israel for all of Dubai's embarrassing woes.

This Wall Street Journal Article expands: